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Lace Flower 'Lacy Lavender  Blue'

Didiscus caerulea


Didiscus caerulea, also known as Trachymene belongs to a broad genus of annuals or semi-perennials and is known as the Blue Lace Flower for the unusual pale lavender-blue flower colour of the species. Each delicate lacy umbel shaped flower head is composed of tiny, star-shaped, sweetly fragrant flowers. 

Sweet-scented cut flower.

Soft blue, 2-2 1/2" blooms are held aloft on stiff stems. Flowers have a mild, clean fragrance and delicate appearance. Plant habit is branching and upright with few leaves. Plants produce blooms for up to two months

Didiscus Lace Flower 'Lacy Lavender Blue'

  • Plant type: annual 

    Site: full sun

    Height: 24-36”

    Days to maturity: 100-110 days

    Seed Depth : Surface 1/8 ". press into the soil, slightly cover

    Plant spacing: 9”

    Approx seeds per packet: 100

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