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Ranunculus ELEGANCE CHIARA 77-15-P

Ranunculus asiaticus





This muted, soft-pink Ranunculus has become a cherished favorite among brides and wedding enthusiasts. Its soft, delicate petals unfurl in a mesmerizing heart-shaped pattern, creating an enchanting and romantic aesthetic.


The blush-pink hue exudes a sense of tender affection, making it an ideal choice for weddings where love and romance take center stage. Whether used in bridal bouquets, centerpieces, or floral decor, this Ranunculus adds a touch of elegance and timeless beauty to any wedding celebration


Site: Full sun/Partial sun/shade

Corm Size : 2/3

Plant height : 18-30"

Planting depth: 1"

Plant spacing: 6 "

Flowering time: Late spring / early summer

Light requirements: Partial shade / full sun

Soil: Well-drained soil rich with compost

Zone: Perennial in zones 7-10, Annual in zones 3-6


Corms per order : 10






How to Grow:




Best way to activate the bulb is to soak them in slowly running water. This pre-germination stage should take place as follows:

Soak or shower the bulbs in water for a a minimum of 4 hours. To maintain levels of oxygen, slow running water is recommended or change water during process. Water temperature should not be warmer than 55F. After this initial soak, soak for an additional 2 minutes in a preventative fungicide.


Once soak is completed the bulbs should be stored in perforated plastic bags or in vermiculite, peat or coco. Bulbs need to remain moist, but not wet.

Store the bulbs for 2 weeks in a 55F and cold/humid room. Followed by 1 week at 42F before planting. Avoid that the bulbs from drying out, KEEP MOIST, NOT WET.


Planting Time: 

In zones 8 and warmer, plant in Fall for Spring blooms. In other zones, plant in late Winter/very early Spring, about 6 weeks before last frost.


How to Plant: 

Plant your ranunculus corms as soon as they arrive in autumn (zone 7 and higher) or spring (zone 3-6) in borders or containers in a sheltered position. Soak the bulbs in water for 2-3 hours prior to planting. Place the bulbs with the ‘claws’ facing downwards. Plant the bulbs 1 inch deep. Space the bulbs 6 inches apart.


When to Expect Blooms: 

Fall planted corms bloom for about 6-7 weeks in the early Spring, and Spring-planted corms will blossom for about 4-6 weeks beginning in mid-Spring.


Plant Care Instructions: 

Water sparingly once the foliage emerges, and pick the flowers regularly to encourage more blooms. Do not overwater since it may lead to root rot. 


Vase life : 12 days


Italian Ranunculus ELEGANCE CHIARA 77-15-P

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