Pickling Cucumber 'Boston' Organic Heirloom NonGmo
- Cucumis sativus
52 days. Smooth, bright-green, 3 inch fruits have black spines. Very high yields. Bears continually if kept picked.Vigorous vines give large yields of smooth green fruit. It is excellent for pickles, very crisp and good quality. A very popular variety. A fruit size 3-7 ". Disease Resistance
Plant life cycle: annual
Site: full sun
Days to germinate: 5-10 days
Germination temperature: 65-80F
Days to maturity: 50- 55 days
Sow: 1/2-1" deep
Plant spacing: 18-36"
Row spacing :6' feet apart
Approx seeds per packet : 30
How to grow:
Before Planting: Requires warm, well-drained soil high in fertility, with a pH of 7.0 for best results. Consistent moisture is needed to produce an high yields of good size cucumbers. Cucumbers do not tolerate cold so sow after any possibility of frost has passed. Make sure both soil and air temperatures have warmed prior to planting.
Planting: For direct seeding, wait until soil is warm, at least 70°F. Cucumber seeds will not germinate at a soil temperature below 50°F. Sow 2-3 seeds/ft., 1/2″ deep, in rows 6′ apart. Thin to 12″ apart. For transplanting, sow indoors in at 1-2 seeds per cell, 3-4 weeks before transplanting. Thin to 1 seedling per cell when true leaves form. Keep temperature above 70°F day and 60°F at night. Transplant 12″ apart in rows 5-6′ apart. Do not disturb roots when transplanting. Peat pots work best to reduce stunting and transplant shock.
Watering: Water 1 inch per week. Water consistently, because inconsistent watering can create misshapen cucumbers.
Fertilizer: When planting, mix compost with a little bit of organic fertilizer. During growth, use liquid fertilizer and apply directly to the soil near the stem. Granular fertilizer also can be used, but work it into the soil around the
plant. Feed with fertilizer regularly.
Growing Tips: Needs abundant soil moisture and rich soil. Some afternoon shade is beneficial in hottest summer weather. To maximize the amount of cucumbers and decrease leaves, use a trellis or tomato cage to grow the cucumbers. Harvest frequently to maintain production.
Harvesting: Once fruit bearing begins, pick daily to ensure steady harvest