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Eucalyptus ‘Baby Blue’
Eucalyptus pulverulenta 


Classic florists' eucalyptus.

Robust plants produce column-like, sturdy stems packed with waxy, silvery blue leaves. Our recommended substitute for Silver Dollar. Round, 2" leaves. Also known as silverleaf mountain gum, gum, and euc. Tender perennial in Zones 9–11


Incredibly popular amongst florists, Eucalyptus pulverulenta 'Baby Blue' (Florist Silver Dollar) is a small evergreen tree or sprawling shrub of open, spreading habit adorned with a ravishing foliage of blue-gray rounded leaves. Unlike many Eucalyptus, it retains its juvenile rounded foliage into maturity. 


Plant Life cycle: Tender Perennial

Site: Full sun
Height: 36-60”
Site: full sun
Days to maturity: 120-150 days

Sow: Surface, press in to growing media
Plant spacing: 24”
Approx seeds per packet: 10



How to Grow: 
Seeds are very slow to germinate and take 45 days to sprout, so be patient. 


Transplant (recommended): Sow seed into cell trays or open flats 10-12 weeks before last frost. Cover seeds lightly with fine vermiculite. Bottom water or mist to avoid covering seed with displaced soil. If started in open flats, transplant to cell packs or 3-4" containers when the first true leaves appear. Harden off and transplant outside after the last frost. Black plastic mulch is recommended in areas with short growing seasons. Eucalyptus may be grown as a perennial in areas that receive no frost.


Fresh: Harvest anytime after leaves start to feel leathery. Easily preserved with glycerin.


Vase Life: 

Eucalyptus is a long-lasting foliage .Vase life up to 10-14 days

Eucalyptus ‘Baby Blue’

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