Sneezweed 'AUTUMNALE '
Helenium Fall blooming
Helenium autumnale (Sneezeweed) is an upright, clump-forming perennial bringing weeks of color in late summer and fall when many other perennials are starting to fade. Its erect, branching stems are clothed with slender, lance-shaped, dark green leaves, 6 in. long (15 cm), and topped with eye-catching daisy flowers.
This 2-5 ft., erect perennial has many elongate leaves and numerous flower heads. A winged stem bearing yellow, daisy-like flower heads with fan-shaped, drooping rays; disk flowers forming a conspicuous, greenish-yellow, ball-like structure at center of head. The flowers have raised centers and wedge-shaped, yellow petals which end in three teeth.
Wonderful cut flower for large instalations.Helenium makes an excellent, long lasting cut flowers, with a vase life of up to 2 weeks.
Plant life cycle: Perennials
Site: Full sun/Partial shade
Height:4-6 ' Feet tall
Seed depth: surface, press into the soil, do not cover
Plant spacing:18-24"
Aprrox seeds per packet: 200
How to grow:
Seed dormancy can be broken artificially by prolonged refrigeration of damp seed in the process of cold/moist stratification. A less complicated approach is to let nature handle the stratifying through a dormant seeding, sowing seeds on the surface of a weed-free site in late fall or winter. Tucked safely beneath the snow, seeds will be conditioned by weathering to make germination possible in subsequent growing seasons.
Deadhead spent flowers to encourage subsequent blooming.
After blooming, cut the flower stalks down to the foliage. Divide plants in the spring or fall every three to five years to keep plants vigorous
How to harvest:
Cut fresh flowers when blooms are fully open, remove foliage at least 50 % from sthe stem
Vase Life:
Vase life 10-14 days
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