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Brassica rapa   



Germination ~ 94% Packed for 2023


Very similar to 'Tokyo Market' or the hybrid 'Hakurei', this is one of Japan's best open-pollinated white turnips. It is best eaten at between 25 and 45 days maturity, and mainly grown as an annual. 

'Kanamachi' is known for its tender, smooth white flesh. The roots are slightly flattened and have great flavor. This is an early variety good for growing in both spring and fall. Can be harvested small or left to mature to 2" in diameter. Young greens are delicious too!




Plant life cycle: annual

Site: full sun

Days to maturity:25-45 days

Seed depth: 1/4"

Plant spacing:4-6"
Row spacing:12-18"

Approx seeds per packet:1/32oz ( ~ 100 seeds)



Turnips and Rutabagas (Brassica rapa and Brassica napus) are cool season biennials in the Brassicaiceae family, which includes broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale, kohlrabi, turnips, mustards, watercress and horseradish.


Soil Nutrients and Requirements

Turnips and Rutabegas can tolerate slightly alkaline soil, preferring the range 6.0 -7.5. Deep, loose, well drained fertile soil with moderate nitrogen levels is best.


When to Sow

Turnips can be grown all season long but perform best in cool fall conditions. Rutabagas are sown in the summer for fall harvests. Seeds will germinate from 45-85 degrees.



Flavor is sweetest when harvested just before the ground freezes or at least after two hard frosts. Turnip tops can be eaten as greens.



Unwashed roots can store for several weeks at 32°F at a high relative humidity as close to 95% as possible. With good air circulation, topped roots can be stored four to five months. 


Turnip KANAMCHI Organic NonGmo Heirloom

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