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Sunflower ProCut® Orange Excel

Helianthus annuus


Earliest sunflower.Improved earliness in the classic orange sunflower. Even earlier than ProCut Orange by 5-7 days. Single-stem plants have tall, strong stems and 4–6", pollenless blooms.  Ht. 60–72"

ProCut® performance with overlapping petals. Spectacular vibrant orange bouquets will awe your customers.




Plant life cycle: annual

Site: Full sun

Days to Maturity : 50 days

Height:4 -6 feet

Sow : 1/2 " deep

Plant spacing:

Approx seeds per pkt : 20


How to grow:


DAYS TO GERMINATION:7-14 days at 70-75°F (21-24°C)

Sowing :

Direct seed (recommended) - After last frost, sow 1/2" deep.

Transplant - Sow into 72 to 50-cell flats 2-3 weeks prior to planting out. Plants dislike root disturbance, but sowing indoors and then transplanting the first crop outdoors can be a successful way to get first-early sunflowers. Do not pinch plants.


Plant out after last danger of frost. Plant spacing determines sunflower head size: 6″ apart make nice bouquet size heads of 4″, for larger flower heads plant 12″ apart in the garden.



Succession-sow every 1-2 weeks and/or plant multiple varieties with varied days to maturity for continuous harvest.

Harvest :

Flowers can be harvested tight, when color first shows, or when almost completely open, depending on your market and preferred use.


 Dried - Flowers are completely open. Hang or use silica gel.


Sunflower ProCut Orange Excel

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