Sunflower ‘Cherry Rose ’
Helianthus annuus
Cherry Rose is quick to flower,branching and productive variety. Red color overlays the lemon petals creating as close to a cherry rose petal color as possible for sunflower. Plants branch abundantly. Reddish color intensity varies with growing conditions. Under low light intensities flowers tend to have deeper plum color. Bright sunny conditions favor a light almost pink color. Perfect for bouquets.
Plant life cycle: annualSite: Full Sun
Height: 60-72”
Days to maturity: 55-65 daysSow:1/2" deep
Plant spacing: 18”
Pinch: when 18” tall
Approx seeds per packet: 20
How to Grow:
Direct seed After last frost, sow ½" deep.Transplant - Sow into 72 to 50-cell flats 2-3 weeks prior to planting out. Plants dislike root disturbance but sowing indoors and then transplanting the first crop outdoors can be a successful way to get first-early sunflowers. Pinching branching varieties is recommended to encourage branching and longer stems. Succession-sow every 2-3 weeks and/or plant multiple varieties for continued harvest.
How to harvest
Flowers can be harvested tight, when color first shows, or when almost completely open, depending on your market and preferred use.
Dried - Flowers are completely open. Hang or use silica gel.
Vase life :
Strip ¾ of the leaves from the stem for the longest vase life. Will last up to 7 days
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