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Strawflower Everlasting Paper daisy  Pink

Rhodanthe manglesii


Paper Daisy Rose (Helipterum Roseum white) - Paper Daisy White (Helipterum Roseum White) - Beautiful growing in the summer flower border, this annual is a heavy bloomer and is easily grown form Helipterum seed. The common name of Paper Daisy describes the texture of the white flower petals. Another common name, Everlasting Daisy, is given because Helipterum flowers dry and preserve exceptionally well, keeping their color indefinitely. To dry Paper Daisy flowers, cut when the foliage is dry and the flowers are well open, tie the stems in small bunches and hang in a dry, well-ventilated room until dry. To keep the Helipterum plant blooming all summer and into the fall, keep the spent flowers deadheaded.


This Everlasting Daisy flower has a yellow center and is in shades of rose and measures 3/4 inch across. The petals have a paper texture.


To dry Paper Daisy flowers, cut when the foliage is dry and the flowers are well open, tie the stems in small bunches and hang in a dry, well-ventilated room until dry. This rose Paper Daisy plant will produce flowers all season if the spent flowers are cut back.




Plant Life Cycle: Annual

Site: Full Sun

Height: 24 "

Plant spacing : 6-10"

Days to germinate: 14-21 days

Sow: Surface, press into the soil, do not cover

Approx seeds per packet :50 


How to grow :

Paper Daisy seeds can be started indoors 6 weeks before the end of frost season. Press the flower seed into the soil and keep them moist. When the seedlings are large enough to handle, they can be transplanted into larger pots for continued growing. Harden the seedlings for 10 - 14 days, and transplant them outdoors in later spring once frost danger has passed. For areas with long growing seasons, prepare a weed free seedbed loosening the soil and raking it well. Sow the Helipterum seeds directly in the seedbed and press the flower seeds into the soil. Thin to strongest plant every 8 - 10 inches. Helipterum will bloom usually within 12 weeks of sowing the flower seeds.



Fresh or dried - Before flowers are fully open. Flowers continue to open after cutting. Hang to dry.


Vase Life:

10-21 days

Strawflower paper daisy White Helipterum

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