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Clematis 'Tangutica Aztek '

Clematis seeds produce a wonderful, vining flower that is a long-lived perennial, normally living at least 25 years. The top of the Clematis vine should be exposed to full sunlight with the roots shaded by either a ground cover or a mulch such as bark dust.

Great for trellises

This vine is great for trellises and arbors, and also does well in containers as an annual. This Clematis plant will both summer and fall. Sometimes it is called Golden Clematis.

Very popular among florists, they always fight over this clematis vine for their events.



Plant life cycle: perennial

Site: Full sun/part shade

Height: 80-98"

Days to germinate: 21-28 days

Days to maturity:3-4 months

Soaw: Surface, press into the soil, do not cover
Plant spacing: 48 "

Approx seeds per packet: 50


How to grow:

Clematis From Seed: Before sowing Clematis seed, refrigerate the seed for 2 - 3 weeks. Some gardeners prefer to start the flower seed outdoors in the late fall or in the winter in a cold frame. The cold helps to break the dormancy. ( These seeds were refrigerated, ready to plant)

Clematis Tangutica is tolerant of poor soil but needs to be well watered. This Clematis plant will flower within 3 - 4 months of planting the flower seeds, and the second year it will produce significantly more blooms. The 3 inch yellow blooms also produce feathery silver seed heads.

How to harvest: Pruning Group 3: Prune hard in late winter. Cut back to pair of strong buds above 1'. Prune less severely for early spring flowers.

Can be cut when buds begin to open and fully open, as well when seed pods are formed for uniq texture


Vase life: 

With a proper care and handling will last up to 7 days



Clematis 'Tangutica Aztek '

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