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Love -in -a Mist

Nigella damascena alba 'Miss Jekyll White '


Nigella damascena, or 'Love-in-a-Mist'Lady White  as it is commonly known is both beautiful and easy to grow. 
“Miss Jekyll ” is much less common than the usual blue varieties. It bears wonderful pure white flowers which seem to float amongst the finely cut leaves. One of the most interesting shaped flowers you will ever see, both for its blooms and attractive fennel-like foliage.They provide a charming show of bloom during the summer months. 

Love-in-a-mist grows naturally in rocky places native to Europe and North Africa, however, these flowers are well suited for traditional cottage garden settings or plant in a meadow where the soil is a little on the dry side and not too rich.  
A hardy annual flowering the same year, a popular cut flower and useful for bedding. Once the petals drop, the blossoms transform into little fairy lanterns and the seed pod can be dried for winter decoration indoors.


Love in a Mist (Nigella ) Miss Jekyll White

    • Plant LifeCycle: Hardy annual
    • Site: Full sun
    • Height: 24”-32 "
    • Avg. Germinate : 21 Days
    • Days to maturity: 65-85 days
    • Sow Depth: Surface, lightly press into the soil ,1/8"
    • Plant spacing: 9-12”
    • Approx seeds per packet: 50
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