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Caryopteris  Pagoda Florist Type Cut Flower

Caryopteris Incana


Caryopteris Pagoda, scientific name Caryopteris incana, common name Bluebeard.

This new modern hi-end caryopteris  ' Pagoda Ocean ' is a perennial plant in shades of dark blue/ purple florets, therefore the grower can expect several cycles of flowers throughout the year.


The flowers have long shelf-life with long lasting green and vivid foliage and long firm stems.

Impressive resistance to high temperatures. Height 32-36"


Excellent Specialty cut flower


Details :


Plant Life Cycle: Perennial

Site: Full sun/Partial shade

Height: 32-36"

Sow: 1/4" deep

Plant spacing : 12-24"

Pinch when 6" tall

Approx seeds per packet:50



How to grow:

Sowing:Transplant (recommended)  

Sow 7-9 weeks before last frost. Sow 1/4" deep into a seed starting mix. Begins taproot growth upon germination. Do not allow to become pot bound at any time as plants will deteriorate rapidly. Transplant into larger cell packs or 3-4" pots 3-5 weeks after sowing. Harden off and transplant outdoors after the last frost.

Direct seed - Can be direct sown in the fall or spring.


Growing tips:

Soil: All types of drained soils, light soil preferable
Soil Ph: Can tolerate acid to alkaline soil (pH 5.0 to 8.0)
Spacing: 1 square foot per plant, 3 gallon or above if grow in the pot. 
Pinch above 3-4 pairs of leaves about 3-9 weeks after transplanting.
After harvest plants are pruned at a height of 3-5" to achieve a second flowering flush.
When new shoots emerge, thinning out is required (6-8 stems per plant in order to achieve qualitative yield.


Harvest: Cut fresh flowers when 1/2 to 2/3 of flowers are open.


Vase life: 7-14 days

EXCLUSIVE Caryopteris Pagoda Florist Type Cut Flower Seeds

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