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PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Hakone White'

Japanese  Balloon  flower


This is the original 3’ tall species of “Balloon Flower” that’s so hard to find in these days of our beloved cottage plants. Easy & reliably perennial, you can count on a lovely bright white  floral display from mid-Summer to October (especially with dead-heading). And it blooms abundantly all sumer long. Bright glossy-green foliage on upright 36" stems are topped by large 2-3” upward facing, flaring, vibrant, white  starry flowers that open from buds inflated like origami balloons.

Makes a good cut flower, especially if you burn the stem ends. Gardeners around the world value the plant for its long-lasting flowers that form from balloon-shaped flower buds.



Plant life cycle: Hardy perennial

Site:Full sun/Partial shade

Days to germinate:14-21 days

Hardiness zone: 3-9

Height: 36-38"

Sow: surface, press. into soil

Plant spacing: 16-20"

Approx seeds per packet : 50


 In folk remedy, it is mainly used as an antipyretic, analgesic, expectorant, using the ingredient "saponin" contained in the root.. In the Manyo period, it is called morning glory, there is a famous Tanka, Yamanouenookura wrote autumn seven herbs in Manyoshu. Flower language is "unchanging love"


How to grow:

Direct sowing is recommended in early spring or late fall. Surface, press in to soil, do not cover.

Grows best in an average to moist, well-drained soil, in full sun to partial shade. Not easily transplanted once established. It is late to emerge in spring, so it is important to mark the crown areas to avoid damage during early cultivation. Remove spent flowers to prolong bloom time or prune back after flowering to maintain shape.


Harvest: Cut stems when blooms are 1/3 open. Burn the stem ends 


Vase life: Up to 7 days




Japanese Balloon flower Platycodon grandiflorus ' Hakone White '

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