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Sweet Pea ‘Albutt Blue’

Lathyrus odoratus




Very attractive variety bearing a profusion of highly scented flowers that are a delicate pale whitish-blue with a blue wire rim picotee. An excellent garden variety and said to be well-tempered. Bred by Harvey Albutt and intrduced by Eagle in 1999.Terrific scent. Scent = 6/6



Plant life cycle : hardy annual
Height: 6 to 8 ft
Site: full sun
Days to maturity: 75 to 90 days

Sowing : 1/2-1 " deep
Plant spacing: 8 in
Pinch: when 4 to 6 in tall

Approx seeds per packet : 10



How to Grow:


Sow ½” deep in a 5” deep pot.

Use a good compost based seed starting mix. 

Keep at 50-55 degrees for germination.

Move to 35-50 degrees in full sun for bulking up (they dont mind low winter temperatures)

Transplant in early spring into rich soil in full sun. 


In mild areas seeds can be sown in pots in the fall, wintered over in a sheltered spot and planted out in spring. Everywhere else, sow seeds 10-12 weeks before the last frost and plant out right around the last frost.



When grown slow and cold, sweet peas will naturally branch on their own. If you see that your plant has not branched but is getting tall, you may take out the top set of leaves, provided you leave 2 or 3 sets on the plant. This will encourage robust side shoots. We never pinch as our plants almost always branch on their own. 





Cut stems that have at least two unopened flowers at the tip



Vase life: 


Harvesting flowers increases blooms. Vase Life: 4-6 days.

Sweet Pea ‘Albutt Blue’

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