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Love in a Mist

Nigella Damascena


This  is EXCLUSIVE, Florist type Unique color on Nigella.

Rose Nigella, also called Love in a Mist, has dainty multifaceted blossoms that open pastel pink, then deepen to an enchanting deep rose. The delicate flowers make charming petite bouquets. Once petals drop, blossoms are transformed into little fairy lanterns and the mature striped seed pods are among the prettiest of dried everlastings. This effortless and easy to grow annual is the very essence of a classic English cottage garden, yet it is adaptable

to all climates.





Plant Life Cycle : Annual/ hardy annual

Site: Full sun/ Partial sun

Days to germinate: 10-14 days at 60-65°F

Height: 28-32"

Sow: 1/8" -1/4 " deep, slightly cover

Plant spacing: 2-9 "

Approx seeds per packet :100


How to Grow:

SOWING:Sow 3-4 times every 2-3 weeks early in season for continuous flower/pod production. Direct seed (recommended) — Sow in early spring  when soil temperatures reach 60°F (16°C). Fall sow where winters are mild. Cover lightly with soil as light is required for germination. Transplant — Sow 4-6 weeks before last frost. Plants are sensitive to root disturbance.

Average soil with good drainage.

HARDY ANNUAL Spring/summer bloomCan handle light frost


Sow seeds directly into a finely textured, well-drained garden bed as early in spring as the ground can be worked. In mild climates, sow in cool fall weather for spring bloom. Space seeds 2 to 3 inches apart in rows 6 inches apart and cover 1/4 inch deep. Or broadcast thinly in a garden bed and cover 1/4 inch deep. Weed young seedlings carefully and thin before they get too crowded. Thin or transplant seedlings 4 to 5 inches apart.



Make several successive sowings from early spring through early summer and these carefree old-fashioned flowers will be in bloom all season long. Their delicate blossoms make sweet little bouquets. As flowers fade, cut the decorative seed pods before they mature and split. Hang upside down in bundles out of direct sun to dry for winter bouquets and arrangements. Let some seedpods mature on the plants to spill seed and these graceful flowers will come up year after year.


Fresh: When flower buds fully colored or pods have begun to develop.

Dried: When seed pods are firm to touch.


Vase life: 

With a proper care will last for 7 days

Love in a mist (Nigella) Miss Jekyll Rose

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