Chervil herb
Anthriscus cerefolium
Fill your kitchen garden with chervil and reap the rewards of an unsung (but lovely) culinary herb. Dainty and delicate, this French cuisine staple imparts mild notes of anise or licorice.
Excellent performance in our trials. Slow-bolting, vigorous plants. Mild, sweet anise flavor. Popular for salads, microgreens, and garnishing.
Chervil is a delicate leafy herb that typically grows about 30 centimeters tall, though it can reach as high as 60 centimeters.
The light-green lacy leaves grow opposite along thin, hollow stems, resembling carrot greens or flat-leaf parsley but frillier. At maturity, the plant produces a tall flower stalk topped with a cluster or umbel of small, white, edible flowers, though the leaves will become bitter once the plant blossoms; hence, the leaves are best harvested young.
Chervil is highly aromatic with notes of anise and offers a sweet and delicate flavor, often described as a mild blend of tarragon and parsley with notes of licorice or mint.
Life Cycle: annual
Site: full sun
Days to maturity: 60 days
Sowing: 1/8" deep
Plant spacing : 12 "
Approx seeds per pkt :1/32 oz (~ 200 seeds)
How to grow:
Direct seed (recommended): Sow shallowly in early spring 1-2 seeds per inch. Barely cover seeds with soil as seeds require light to germinate. Thin to 6" apart in rows at least 12" apart.
Chervil may also be sown in the fall, about 60 days before the expected first frost.
Hot weather will cause the plants to bolt.
Soil Requirements :
Grows best in rich, moist soil.
Leaves should be harvested just before the plants start to flower when the flavor is at its peak. Leaves can be used either fresh or dried.
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