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Cup and Saucer Vine 'Purple' ( Cathedral Bells) 
Cobaea scandens


Cobaea Scandens Violet - Commonly called 'Cup and saucer' vine,  is  a vigorous, rapid-growing, climbing vine that typically grows to10-20 feet  in a single season.

Flowers last about 4 days, emerging green but maturing to purple. Flowers have a musky fragrance. Blooms late summer into fall.  Also commonly called cathedral bells. 

Perennial in USDA Zones 9 - 11. Makes great cut flower

Fantastical, 3 1/2 inch flaring violet bells sporting long sturdy stamens create a mas­sive bloom display that’ll be much admired by neighbors. Attractive, deep green, heart-shaped foliage. Give it room to grow, rich soil and stand back!Cut back in Winter for bushiest appearance next year in warmer climates where it can survive as a perennial.


Plant life cycle: Annual

Site: full sun

Height: 10-15 feet
Days to maturity: 120 days
Plant spacing: 6-12”
Approx seeds per packet: 10


How to Grow:
Direct-sow seeds in the garden in spring after all danger of frost has passed, or get a head start on your seasonal garden by starting seeds indoors6-8weeks before your last frost in spring.

Keep in mind that this sprawling vine can easily engulf nearby plants. So, start training young and pliable vines to grow up a structure or on a trellis and they'll take it from there. To control the size of the plant, pinch off the stems when they reach the top of your support ,this will encourage branching and bud set. There is no need to deadhead the flowers.


Cut fresh flowers when they are begin to open and sear stem ends in boiling water for 7-10 seconds for longer vase life.


Vase life:

5-7 days


Cup and Saucer vine Purple

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