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Clarkia Double coral
Clarkia unguiculata elegans 


Vibrant and productive with sturdy stems.

Beautiful dark salmon blooms strung along purple-red stems. Flowers bloom from the lower portion of the stem and continue to open up the stem. Mostly double, semidouble, and single blooms. Easy to harvest, as the hard (almost woody) stems are nearly free of foliage. Basal-branching plants


The buds bloom from the lower portions of the long stems to the top. This Double flowered clarkia  makes an excellent cut flower and will last longer if it is cut when the flowers are just starting to bloom at the bottom of the stem and there are a lot of buds left to open on the top. This flower is brilliantly colored and stunningly bright. A member of the Godetia family, this showy flower adds great height and dimension to bouquets.



Plant life cycle : annual
Height: 24-36”
Site: full sun/Partial shade
Days to maturity: 105-125 days

Sow : sorface, press into soil
Plant spacing: 6-12”

USDA Zone :1-11
Approx seeds per packet: 100



How to Grow: 
Start seed indoors in trays 6-8 weeks before last frost; transplant out after all danger of frost has passed.


Days to germinitaion :5-10 days at 65-70°F (18-21°C)


Direct sowing is reccomented, does not transplant well

Sow 4 weeks before planting out. 

Direct seed - As soon as the soil can be worked. Gently press seeds into soil, covering with 1/16" soil. Keep soil surface moist until emergence. Thin to 6-12" once seedlings have first true leaves. After germination, plants prefer cool growing conditions. Seedlings are best grown at 60–65°F (16–18°C) day temperatures/50°F (10°C) nights; should not exceed 75°F (21°C). High temperatures during plant development can cause weak, spindly stems.


It should be planted in the spring, but if you are located in zones 7-10 you can also plant it in the fall.


Tips : this flower needs soil that is lacking in nutrients; otherwise it will be overwhelmed with a lot of foliage and few blooms. Soil that is low in nitrogen supports this flower particularly well.



Harvest stems when the lower set of blooms is just beginning to open. Older blooms will drop off the stem within about 5 days. Unopened buds on the stem will continue to open up in the vase.

Vase Life  : 7-10 days


Clarkia Double Coral

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