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Soapwort (Saponaria )Pink Beauty

Vaccaria hispanica


Airy cool-season filler.

Sturdy and easy to grow. Stems are thicker, stronger, taller, and easier to manage than those of annual gypsophila, an otherwise similar flower. 3/4 to 1" dusty pink blooms float above gray-blue, waxy foliage. Branching plant habit. Also known as soapwort or cow soapwort.


Wonderful substititue for annual baby' breath( gypsophila)


Excellent for wedding work, Wedding Flower



 Plant life cycle: Annual

Site: Full sun


Days to maturity:90-100

Sow:1/8" surface

Plant spacing:9-12"

Aprox seeds per packet: 100


How to grow: 

Sowing :Performs best in areas with cool summers. Sow at 2-3 week intervals until midsummer for continuous bloom. Blooms July to August. Direct seed (recommended) - Sow in early spring when the soil is cool and a light frost is still possible. Sow 2-3 seeds every 2", 1/8" deep. Thin to stand 2-9" apart when the first true leaves appear. Transplant - Sow directly into 72-cell plug flats, 2-3 seeds per cell, 2-3 weeks before last frost. Lightly cover seed. Thin to 1 plant per cell. harden off and transplant outdoors after last frost.


Uses:Excellent cut-flower filler. Cottage gardens.

How to havest:

When 1-2 flowers in a spray are open.


Vase Life: 

With a prope care and handling will last 7 days

Soapwort Pink Beauty

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