Snapdragon 'Chantilly Soft Cream Yellow" Group 1.
Antirrhinum majus
Snapdragon Chantilly Yellow is the darling of the snapdragon family featuring bell shaped, open faced, frilly edged blooms on reliable tall and strong stems that nicely branch from the bottom forming a charming Softest butter-yellow flowers shade into cream blooms
Excellent cut flower with long vase life
PlantLife Cycle: Annual
Site: Full sun
Height: 36-48”Days to germinate: 10-14 days
Days to maturity: 100-110 daysSow: Surface, press into the soil
Plant spacing: 9-12”
Pinch: when 4-5” tall
Approx seeds per packet: 20
How to Grow:
Sow snapdragon seeds in cell packs or flats, press into soil but do not cover. Need light to germinate. Kept at 55°F., germination is in 10-21 days. Transplant dwarf snapdragon seedlings 6-8 in. apart, tall snapdragons 12-18 in. apart. Direct sowing snapdragon seed is not recommended.
Grow Snapdragons: Full sun, will tolerate part sun especially in warm climates. Plants like rich, moist, well-drained soils. Avoid overhead watering. When cut back after flowering, snapdragons will quickly bloom again. Flowers excellent for cutting, sometimes sweetly scented, available in traditional 'snapping' flowers or open mouth 'butterfly' or 'azalea' flowers.
Hummingbirds love snapdragons. Snapdragons are cold tolerant to about 18°F., are cool weather plants often grown with, and like pansies. Bloom cycle is complete when temperatures consistently top 80°F. Snapdragon plants are deer and rabbit resistant.
When you harvest snapdragons make sure to cut down as low as you can go, all the way to the base. Cutting down at the base of the plant will encourage it to send out nice long side branches. Cut when ⅓ to ½ of the lower flowers have opened, but the top flowers are still in bud. After cutting you can go back in and give a good feed of fish emulsion and kelp to encourage regrowth.
Vase Life:
With a proper care and handling will last for 7-10 days
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