Calendula Pink Surprise
Calendula officinalis
Noted for its gorgeous flowers, Calendula officinalis 'Pink Surprise' (Pot Marigold) is a bushy annual with aromatic, dark green foliage and striking, fully double, salmon-pink flowers with a touch of orange. Blooming from late spring until the first frost, Pot Marigold is easy to grow and maintain.
Plant lifr cycle: annual
Height: 18-24”
Site: full sun
Days to maturity: 60 days
Plant spacing: 9-12”
Pinch: when 9” tall
Approx seeds per packet: 50
How to Grow:Calendula is cold tolreant, grows easily in any regular garden soil, and thrives in a pH range of 5.5-7.0. Pinch back young plants to encourage bushy growth. Occasional feeding is rewarded, but unnecessary. Keep plants watered, but try to avoid overhead watering as plants are susceptible to mildew. Deadhead regularly to prevent self-sowing.Also can be sown in succession every 2-3 weeks to extand blooming.Growing InformationSow the seed thinly direct into finely raked, moist, warm, weed-free soil where the plants are to flower ½")deep.Germination normally takes 10–15 days. As the seedlings develop, thin them out in stages to achieve a final spacing of 9-12". For early flowering, the following year sow direct August/September where the plants are to flower. Can also be started in trays/pots in a greenhouse and planted out when big enough to handle.
Harvest:Harvest once the bloom is about 50% open.Vase Life:With a proper care and handling 5-7 days
Vase Life: 7 days
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