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Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata)


Andrographis paniculata (family Acanthaceae) is one of the most popular medicinal plants used traditionally for the treatment of array of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, ulcer, leprosy, bronchitis, skin diseases, flatulence, colic, influenza, dysentery, dyspepsia and malaria for centuries in Asia, America and Africa continents.


It possesses several photochemical constituents with unique and interesting biological properties.

 Diterpenes, flavonoids, xanthones, noriridoides and other miscellaneous compounds have been isolated from the plant.

Extract and pure compounds of the plant have been reported for their anti-microbial, cytotoxicity, anti-protozoan, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, immunostimulant, anti-diabetic, anti-infective, anti-angiogenic, hepato-renal protective, sex hormone/sexual function modulation, liver enzymes modulation insecticidal and toxicity activities.


Annual but long-season, fully maturing in 160 days. Can be harvested for the active portion (leaf) well prior to that time.  Often self-seeding in the right conditions (extended warm conditions).  May go from early flowering back into vegetation phase and then flower again in late season.  Dry conditions tend to stimulate flowering and seed production, while moist conditions tend to stimulate leaf growth.


Rare in the trade and highly desired plant. Traditional usage (TAM, TWM): bitter digestive, pandemics, vermifuge.




Plant Life Cycle : Annual

Maturity in: 160 days

Height: 35-40"

Sow: 1/8 " deep, lightly cover

Plant spacing:20-24"

Days to germinate : 12-21

Approx seeds per packet : 100


How to Grow:


Growing Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) from Seed. 
Andrographis has a hard waxy seed coating which allows the seeds to remain viable for long periods of time in hot climates. However it makes it harder for the seed to break dormancy. Much research has been done on this plant since it is so important in Ayurvedic medicine and the consensus is that the seeds should be soaked in hot water for five minutes before sowing.
The temperature of the water should be around 50°C (122°F) for five minutes. Do not use boiling water and do not leave the seeds in the hot water for longer than five minutes or the viability can be decreased. After seeds have soaked sow them in seed trays or plug trays, see our general growing instructions for more detailed information on how to do this. When pots are filled add a thin layer of sand just before seeds are sown to provide some extra sharpness that will help scratch the tiny seeds outer coating and aid in germination. Cover seeds with a very thin layer of seeding mix, the seeds are small and don't like to be buried too deeply. Using this method we have found we get about an 85% germination rate on our seeds. Without this germination can be erratic and as low as 20%. Germination takes about 5-7 days using this method. 



The whole above ground plant should be harvested when flower begin to cover the plant, this is when the plant is producing the highest concentration of the principal andrographolide. Plants can then be dried for later use. Research studies have shown that there is more biomass on plants that are given some shade than those that are grown in full sunshine. In addition if plants have their tips cut off at about 6 weeks after transplanting it caused more branching leading to larger bushier plants that provided more biomass.

Medical uses:

Medical uses of Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata).
Andrographis it a bitter that has a very long history of being used in Ayurvedic and Chinese herbal medicine. Most commonly it is used to treat colds, flu and fevers. It aids in preventing infections of the rhinoviruses that are mostly responsible for the common cold. Studies have shown that taking andrographis daily during cold season reduced the likelihood of catching a cold by 50%. It can also be used to treat cold symptoms but needs to be in fairly high doses to be effective. 
It is also used to treat intestinal disorders, diarrhea, intestinal parasites, wounds, ulcers, inflammations, skin diseases, hepatitis, and problems related to the liver and gall bladder by helping increase bile flow. There is also some research supporting its use treating the symptoms of HIV and some cancers.
By far the most significant use is in the treatment of atherosclerosis and heart attack. Andrographis has the ability to prevent the formation of blood clots and help prevent "re-clogging" of arteries following angioplasty by helping the vessels stay open for longer periods of time. 



Andrographis paniculata Medicinal ( KALMEGH)

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